Generate a set of values from a Progressive Multi-Jittered (with blue noise) set.
generate_pmjbn_set(n, seed = 0)
The number of 2D values to extract.
Default `0`. The random seed.
An `n` x `2` matrix with all the calculated values from the set.
#Generate a 2D sample:
points2d = generate_pmjbn_set(n=1000)
plot(points2d, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#Generate a longer sequence of values from that set
points2d = generate_pmjbn_set(n=1500)
plot(points2d, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#Generate a new set by changing the seed
points2d = generate_pmjbn_set(n=1500,seed=10)
plot(points2d, xlim=c(0,1),ylim=c(0,1))
#Integrate the value of pi by counting the number of randomly generated points that fall
#within the unit circle.
pointset = generate_pmjbn_set(10000)
pi_estimate = 4*sum(pointset[,1] * pointset[,1] + pointset[,2] * pointset[,2] < 1)/10000
#> [1] 3.1404